Term 3 - Week 1 - day 7

03/08/2013 16:14

Term 3 - Week 1 - Day Seven 

Sunday 4th

Wind Trainer or Road - One hour ride flat terrain easy pace. Spin legs at about 90 - 100 rpm

Do not ripe your legs up today we want fresh legs for Tuesday - (very tough session)

Satudays Training Ride

Great Training Ride on Saturday with team Arcus. SE1 into a stiff head wind up Lake Rd, Then a nice easy ride home. How did everyone go with your respective racing. Flick me a note on the guest book. 
Well Done  - Olivia - HCCC winter series champion and spot prize pickeruperer, good work, consistency and perseverance - nice
Great Work HANNAH H - National Cross Countryraced in the 4km run prior to the main event and was the first 4km runner in. 4K National Champion