First Training Blog

31/07/2013 19:00

This program is going to maximize your time and get you in the best shape that can be achieved in that time. Nine weeks is a great length for a training round and with the right combination of workouts you will become faster, stronger and increase your chances of winning races.

To effectively use this program you may want to equip yourself with the following items:

  • A cycle computer with cadence or be able to effectively calculate your cadence on the bike by counting.
  • A heart rate monitor and know your heart rate zones, lactate threshold. E1, E2 not essential but as a tool to indicate effort they are fantastic.
  • Floor exercise routines and a stretching program to help the rest of your body become adapted to your new cycling body.
  • Protein Powder – Horleys is a good brand available at a reasonable price from the supermarket. Use as a recovery drink after training especially on tough days. You can use 50/50 Protein / Carbs or 100% protein your choice.  use a recommended.

Note: Parents and riders - Junior A training squad


If you have been selected for the junior A training squad the next 5 to 8 weeks is going to be very taxing on your physical systems, It is critical that you get good rest between training sessions. Please select very carefully the other physical activities you wish to undertake as it will be very easy to over train and exhaust your energy systems, reducing the desired results. Training nights for this term will continue to be Tue, Wed and Thursdays.

Saturday Training: I would also like to add a Saturday afternoon session to further assist those who want to follow the plan.

The Plan

We have a 9 week training plan which carefully and progressively introduces stress and active recovery. The stress, is to train the physical systems that are critical to cycling performance and the active recovery is to assist recovery before the next session. Please do not underestimate the requirement for recovery and rest. You may find some of these sessions easy to complete and some will make you want to find another coach enjoy the easy sessions and suck it up for the tough sessions. I am looking for consistency and 100% commitment.

(Be warned I will not want to hear about needing to be back early for a training session for another sports code)